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January 23 to January 23, 2022 / FRI 21 & SUN 23 // 1 - 6 pm Sabine Glenz & Ensemble Resonanz
With the Morton Feldman Project, Sabine Glenz continues her engagement with formative composers of the modern era. In cooperation with the percussionists of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, she undertook choreographic research into the music of Steve Reich in “Phasen.Machen” (Munich, 2017), followed by “Rhizom” (Munich, 2018), which was dedicated to John Cage’s “Three Constructions.”
In her latest project, Glenz develops an open choreographic structure for a long-term performance set to Morton Feldman’s String Quartet No. 2.
Morton Feldman (1926-1987) composed a remarkable series for various instrumentations, including works that span five or six hours. He worked intuitively and developed a personal style characterized by extreme gentleness and slowness. The composition of String Quartet No. 2 stretches through five hours, thus providing the musical framework and temporal measure for the choreographic project, which is interpreted live by Ensemble Resonanz at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg. Throughout this lengthy interval, eight dancers come together in ever-new constellations or break away from them. Independent action within a clearly defined improvisational structure is enabled by movement sequences with open beginnings and endings and with different entrances and exits. Form fluently, imperceptibly and gradually builds up and collapses again. The performance takes place during the opening hours of the museum (admission with museum ticket) and is filmed from its center with a 360° camera. The visitors are free to move around in the rooms, so they too will become part of the recorded images.
This video recording will subsequently serve as an integral part of the sound-space-image-dance installation that will be created in January 2022 in the large hall of the WIESE. Two screens positioned at a 70° angle to each other will form the basic structure, while the video recording of the performance at the MK&G will be juxtaposed with the film “Farbfelder” by Franz Kastner (camera) and Alejandro Valbuena (painting) on the projection screens. The film, which was produced in February 2021, is inspired by Mark Rothko’s color field painting; painted motifs gradually and imperceptibly change their structure, color and form. Momentary performances by the dancers, e.g. as solos or duets, occur casually and fleetingly in space and disappear imperceptibly as choreographic allusions to the recorded performance or as autonomous additions to it. The two-dimensional digital image extends into real space; images of physicality are juxtaposed with physical presence.
The transfer of the live performance into a multimedia installation, together with the juxtaposition of digitality and reality, leads to an intimate intertwining of various aspects of sound, body, space and time, while augmenting them with a subtle other level on which the present and the past map onto each other just as much as digital and analogue appearances. The bringing together of the two films in the walk-through installation is an invitation to experience time as an almost infinitely extended moment and as a shared spatial and physical movement.
Concept, artistic direction: Sabine Glenz
Dramaturg: Matthias Quabbe
Music: String Quartet No. 2 von Morton Feldman, 1983 (Dauer: 5 h)
Live-Interpretation: Streichquartett des Ensemble Resonanz
Dance: Viktor Braun, Jonathan Bringert, Marcelo Doño, Sara Ezzell, Clàudia Ferrando,
Angela Kecinski, Fernanda Ortiz, Larissa Potapov
360° Camera: Franz Kastner
Film „Farbfelder“ (5 h): Franz Kastner, Alejandro Valbuena
Production Management: Levin Handschuh
Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe Hamburg
20099 Hamburg
admission with museum ticket
In cooperation with the Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe and the Ensemble Resonanz. Supported by the Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Kultur und Medien, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung and the Rudolf Augstein Stiftung.
January 21 & 23, 2022, 1 - 6 pm
sound-space-image-dance installation
Wiesendamm 24
admission free
In cooperation with the WIESE eG and the Ensemble Resonanz, supported by the NATIONALE PERFORMANCENETZ-STEPPING OUT, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative Neustart Kultur. Hilfsprogramm Tanz.
Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture