Stephanie Felber
Caroline Finn
Sabine Glenz
Ruth Golic
Sabine Haß-Zimmermann
Stephan Herwig
Anna Holter
Judith Hummel
Jessica Iwanson
Karen Janker
Stefan Maria Marb
Angelika Meindl
Ceren Oran
Moritz Ostruschnjak
Helmut Ott
Yvonne Pouget
Micha Purucker
Johanna Richter
Claudia Senoner
Zufit Simon
Susanne Stortz
Dali Touiti
Birgitta Trommler
Katja Wachter


Founding and Board Member
Micha Purucker

god guard me from the thoughts men think in the mind alone
William Butler Yeats

Micha Purucker studied architecture, art history, cultural anthropology and dramatics before studying dance in Munich and Stockholm. As choreographer and artistic director for the Munich based dance collective Dance Energy (1985-2000), he created more than 52 evening-length pieces of which the company gave guest performances in Germany and abroad.
2000-2008 he worked under the label "living room" – the new umbrella was meant to extent the choreographic field: non-theatrical formats, interventions and lectures were treated equivalent to full-evening performances and films.
The period was characterized by many work stays in Korea, mainly at the Korean National University of Arts and resulted in a lot of german-korean as well as seing Purucker as director of the contemporary dance department of chung ang university in 2007.
When back in Germany Purucker decided to focus even more on osmosis and the diffusion of art and the widing of his artistic field: the work opened up for urban planning and space production, he was curating several series of lectures for the city of munich on dance and bio.politics and was part.time curator of RODEO, Munichs' first free lance theatre festival in 2010.
For his idiosyncratic work in the fields of dance, theatre, installation, video, foto and film Purucker very soon gained recognition: he was chosen 4 times for the german dance plattform, he was guest choreographer at luzerntanz 1999 - 2002 and the annual of DEUTSCHE BÜHNE 2005 mentioned him as outstanding contributor for the development of theatrical methods and tools.

He received several prices: including the supportive prize for interpretive art (1990), the supportive prize for dance of the state capital city of Munich (1997), the special prize of the jury of rheintanzmedia.web and a residency at p.a.c.t. (2002), TANZPREIS – Munich 2003;
in the words of the jury:
"His theatricality is fundamental, relevant, avoids spectacular effects. Puruckers' work appears as seriously as transparent; it was and is an independent, idiosyncratic and incorruptible reference in the dance scene."

Micha Purucker was one of the first choreographers in Germany with "abstract" pieces in a new and free style beyond modern dance and dance theater: His work is based on the basic parameters of body and space and operates in a variety of formats: stage, installation, public space, film, objects, paintings, interventions.
For Purucker dance is behaviour and as such a response, a response to environmental conditions whether real or in a more metaphorical sense. Of particular interest are physical states, questions of perception and the experience of space in all senses. As a teacher, movement coach and curator, Purucker is working for national and international projects, universities and artists' initiatives. Always in focus: the body in a special environment, in a special atmosphere and in a complex interplay of movement, sound, light – the body under influences.
Due to the physicality, presence and intensity of the dancers emerges an interactive space which can be experienced almost physically by the audience – and as such is a body condition spread out in space and as such and ultimately an internal space made external and communicative.

Purucker has been organizing lectures, workshops on body, body art and related issues, as he sees dance always as a component of body - and bio-politics.
As demanding his projects and procedure might seem, his pieces are always grounded, direct, sensual and aesthetically gripping.

Due to his years in Korea Purucker has developed a strong interest in intercultural issues and cross-border and border-border body images and practices.

Out from the list of supporters and co-producers (since 1988) should be named: Hebbel Theater, Berlin; InArt Center, Lubljana; Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel, Munich; SIDance-Festival, Seoul; Mousonturm, Frankfurt; ARC Romainmoitiers, Romainmoitiers; Theatre Contemporain de la Danse, Paris; Place Theatre, London; CCN Odile Duboc, Belfort; Dance 2000 Munich; Luzerntanz at Luzerner Theater; LDP-laboratory dance projects-Seoul; i-camp, Munich; Tanzwerkstatt Europa, Munich, correios em movimentos, Rio; RODEO – Munich; Dorstei – Pinneberg; Akademie Wolfenbüttel; ttamtamogchi,Seoul.

Member of jury: Tanzpreis Stuttgart (2006), Seoul dance competition (2007), Tanzpreis München (2013)



Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored
by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture

munich vibrations: 3 Positionen
UNDERDOX Filmfestival, Oct 13, 2024, 5 pm, Werkstattkino [ more ]

episodes of glam + gutter
January 12 to 14, 8 pm, 2024, schwere reiter [ more ]

BABOU - slices of space + time
a photo novel as slide show + APERO, June 24, 25, 29, 30, 2023, 6 pm, artists' choice, Ickstattstr. 22, München [ more ]

welcome to oblivion: Umbrüche - Zeitenwende - Déjà-vus
An interactive research project by Beate Höhn and Micha Purucker, opening February 4, 2023, 6 pm, Künstlerhaus Nürnberg [ mehr ] opening March 23, 2023, 6 pm, artists' choice, München

splitter + stream /
rhetorics of flesh

March, 17/18, 8.30 pm, schwere reiter [ more ]

100.80.40 - rats in the living room / études pathétiques
12. (UA)/13./15.1.2023, 20:30, schwere reiter [ more ]

terrain vague
opening September 23, 2022, 9 pm, artists' choice, ickstattstr. 22, münchen [ more ]

splitter + stream /
rhetorics of flesh

January 14 (world premiere) + 15, 2022, 8.30, schwere reiter [ more ]

threads + knots
october 29 + 30 / 2021, 8.30 pm, schwere reiter, alte Halle [ more ]

Re.Visited – 3 Works on Mozart
july 21 to 23, 2021, Carl-Orff-Saal/Gasteig, Choreographies by Thomas Hauert, Rui Horta, Micha Purucker, cooperation between Tanzwerkstatt Europa and the Ballett of Gärtnerplatztheater [ more ]

flat rooms - flat dances
january 14 (world premiere) to 16, 2021, 8.30 pm, schwere reiter
[ more ]

trajectory – ¡mira!
RODEO 2020, october 20, 6 pm, Mira Einkaufscenter [ more ]

trajectory - modificated
filmpreview, texts + pictures,
august 27 to 29 & september 3 to 5, 2020, at 6 / 7 / 8 pm at the Gallery for Performative Art "artists' choice", Ickstattstr. 22, Munich
[ more ] During RODEO 2020, october 17, 7.30 pm, at Pepper Theater, Neuperlach [ more ]

public space - private use
Lecture during "Dança em Trânsito DESFRONTEIRAS - etapa on.line", august 18, 2020, see the talk on youtube channel [ more ]

trajectory – pictures of the fleeting world - ukiyo-e, choreographed interventions in public space, Munich, between march 24 and april 2, 2020
[ more ]

double bill - simon / purucker
"dark angels"
: two solos, performed by Michal Heriban, december 15 + 16, 2018, schwere reiter [ more ] "dark angels": april 5 + 6, 2019, schwere reiter [ more ] Studio Alta, Prague, november 14, 2019 [ mehr ]

a dance triplex
three solos
schwere reiter, november 29 to december 1st, 2017 [ more ]

„nocturne - SAMPA - durch die fenster der nacht“
10. - 23. Oktober 2016, São Paulo

serious interludes IV –
deserto habitado
, march, 12 +13, 2016, Einstein [ more ]

serious interludes II
january 8 + 9, 2016, schwere reiter
[ more ]

mudholes and triggers
(working title),
PLUSbrasil, HumaVida (São Paulo) and Lusofonia (München) invite Micha Purucker to present his work at Teatro Sala Crisantempo at São Paulo, november 2 to 8, 2015
[ more ]

murmurs and splotches
for the Laboratory Dance Projects at Daehaegno Arts Theater, Marronnier Park, Seoul, september 3 (premiere) to 5, 2015 [ more ] [ more on Vimeo ]

news garden / private echoes
june 15 + 16, 2015 at Veletržní palác (Prague) [ more ], june 23 + 24 at Pilsen / Kulturhauptstadt Europas 2015 [ more ] [ more on Vimeo ]

radio luma : into the night
Festival DANCE 2015, may 15 + 17, schwere reiter munich [ more ]
[ more on Vimeo ]

archival beach
april 10 to 12 and 16 to 18, 2015, schwere reiter [ more ]

organic display
performative installation for two speakers and one performer, november 28 + 29, Tanzquartier Wien [ more ] [ more on Vimeo ]

radio luma : into the night
november 6 to 8, 2014, schwere reiter [ more ]

interzone : hegemonie und raum,
z.b. pasolini
, 22. Mai 2014, 19:30, schwere reiter / probebühne [ morer ]

r a d i o *luma : into the night december 19 to 21, 2013, schwere reiter [ more ]

interzone... a spacial satellite for in.betweeners at Gelände, Dachauer Str. 114 [ more ], new version of "news garden", shown in Brasil (Rio and Florianopolis) with two dancers of the Grupo de Rua and Youngsters from Santa Catarina in september 2013.

gaps in your semiotic soup
dance, words, film and music - informal gatherings, schwere reiter, 15. - 17. Dezember 2012 [ more ]

news garden / private echoes
Immatriculationhall of TU Munich, november 22 to 24, 2012, third choreographic sculpture [ more ]

table dancer(s) 1+2
25 years celebration of Tanztendenz, SHE'S RETRO, i-camp, october 10 to 12, 2012 [ more ]

news garden - potsdamer str. 77 -
in the former space of tagesspiegel, berlin, try out for the third choreographic sculpture, december, 2., 3. & 4./2011, beginning 7.30 pm

sector 7 ...a somehow different use of space, summer camp july 2011, "zone imaginaire": workshop, "bodies in space": behaviour in concrete and mist, schwere reiter [ more ]

Future Lodge
Dance- and Installationperformance, coproduction with co>labs and Tafelhalle Nürnberg, feb 26. to march 2nd 2011, [ more ]

sector 7 : assorted oddities
december, 17 to 19, schwere reiter
[ more ]

black fog - news from the planet of dogs, dance concert, opening of RODEO MÜNCHEN, schwere reiter,
2010, june 9 [ more ] august 5, 8 pm., during the performance night in Wallraff-Richartz-Museum Cologne

echoes - 18 gestures in space
Giacometti-project: 4 days dance, expanded cinema, performance, infobar and lectures, december 5 - 8, schwere reiter Munich [ more ]

instead of roses I + II
some bits and pieces in motion, sound + film + words; live-score: robert merdzo, november 21. + 22, 09, Rationaltheater, during Fassbinder Days [ more ]

enfleshings after lassnig, maria

piece for 2 dancers, schwere reiter, München 2009

Karabelas / Höhn / Purucker:
Gerüche der Kindheit, Nürnberg 2009

acciones - eingriffe im öffentlichen raum, Starke Stücke, München 2008

7, reece mews, London
piece for 6 dancers, schwere reiter, Munich 2008

message from oxygene
Stück für 23 Tänzer, chung ang university, Seoul, 2007

black fog, piece for 12 dancers, Towol Theatre,
 ArtCenterSeoul, 2007

bio-radar 2
choreographic structure for 6 dancers and 1 lecturer
, Kranhalle, Munich, 2007

skizze mit teppich, Solo for Ki-hun Kim, i-camp, München 2006

bio-radar 1, choreographic structure for 6 dancers and 1 lecturer, i-camp, Munich, 2006

xxl-re.enactment, piece for 8 dancers, Reithalle, Munich 2006

body matters - staged lecture
Die Bank - München, 2005

attitudes passionnelles - reality mix, choreographic structure for 4 dancers, BayerForum, Munich 2004

embracing my shadow
piece for 12 dancers, Music Academy Cologne, 2003

we believe in miracles ...
full-evening piece for 11 dancers, new version, Muffathalle München 2003

table dancer(s)1+2
piece for 2 dancers, i-camp, Munich, 2003

passagen, solo performance
Dorstei - Culture Award for Gagel, Pinneberg, 2002

examining pictures, full-evening piece for 3 dancers, La Fourmi Luzern, 2001

organic display, full-evening performance for 3 dancers and 2 actors, i-camp München, 2001

we believe in miracles ... , full-evening piece for 13 dancers, Towol Theatre Seoul 2001

patabolics, choreography for 10 dancers (30 minutes), Chayu Theatre Seoul, Art Center, 2001

stimulated identities, full-evening piece for 7 dancers on a cat-walk, Akademietheater München, 2000

Faun, choreography for BR3 television, a film by Eva Severini, 2000

cloud, full-evening piece for 6 dancers, Akademietheater München, 2000

delay-01, choreography for live-audience and internet, Neues Theater München, 1999

phoenix, choreography for 1 dancer, 8 min, Dong-Ha Art Hall, Seoul 1999

Bodymapping, full-evening piece for 5 dancers, Echtzeithalle München, 1999

neighbours, choreography for 3 dancers, 14 min, Cuvilléstheater München, 1999

Flares, choreography for 4 dancers, 17 min, Neues Theater München, 1999

Flares, choreography for 25 dancers, 23 min, Towol Theater Seoulv

once , choreography for a full-evening piece by Barbara Hammann, Orangerie München, 1998

Bodyscape-s : shifting stills
full-evening piece for 3 dancers, CC André Malraux Nancy, 1997

Z&X Tschaikowsky - Eine Oper
by Barbara Hammann and Malcolm Goldstein, choreography for 4 dancers, Max-Joseph-Saal München, 1996

a ticket that exploded, choreography for 1 dancer, Pumpenhaus Münster, 1996

duo 4, choreography for 2 dancers, Pumpenhaus Münster, 1996

Liquid Text - Liquid Spaces
choreography for 3 dancers, Neues Theater München, 1996

Unrest - a Garden, full-evening piece for 6 dancers, Muffathalle München, 1995

Level Check, choreography for
1 dancer, 12 min, Mun-ye Theater Seoul, 1993

Paraphrase I - Romeo + Julia
choreography for 12 min, Mun-ye Theater Seoul, 1993

Hidden Dances III
full-evening performance for 3 dancers, Pasinger Fabrik München, 1993

Hidden Dances II,
full-evening performance for 3 dancers, Flughafen Riem München

Hidden Dances I
full-evening performance for 3 dancers, Bildzone München, 1992

Tar Babies
choreography for 2 dancers, Mun-ye Theater Seoul, 1992

Andrej, choreography for a full-evening piece by Robert Merdzo, Carl-Orff-Saal München, 1992

Lodger, choreography for 6 dancers,18 min, Carl-Orff-Saal München, 1991

Angels take poison, choreography for 5 dancers of Iwanson junior, Iwanson Dance School, 1991

Chicago - Tashkent, full-evening choreography for 7 dancers, Carl-Orff-Saal München, 1990

How to destroy angels, commissioned by Coogan Dancers, 1989

Darwin Waltzes
full-evening piece for 8 dancers, Marstall München, 1988

a Fall from Gracex
full-evening piece for 8 dancers, Alabamahalle München, 1988

Failed ascension, full-evening piece for 6 dancers, b/w film, 16mm, 42 min, ETA-Halle München, 1986

Installations, visual + environmental works

black toys
KunstKulturQuartier Nürnberg, 2009

jerk off - slideshow
Die Bank, 2004

control room - video.loop
BBK Schleswig Holstein, 2004

dérives - installation
p.a.c.t. zollverein, Essen - tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf 2003

art-base / lärmkammer- ringercamp
mixed media Installation, Kunst im Bunker, München 2003

organic display
porcelain objects, acryls on canvas, charcoal sketches and photographies, Neues Kunstmuseum Luzern, 2001

public appearance
photostudio and set-up, BOA-Luzern, 2001

Body-mapping, ongoing public inquiry on images and representations of the body, i camp München, 2000

Chongno - sam - ga, installation with slides, videos, prints and sound, Munich mainstation, commissioned by DANCE 2000 and Luzerntanz, 2000

Slow gestures, slide-projection for a NaQoB concert (Merdzo, Cüllükzu), UG - Luzern, 2000

video-night, UG - Luzern, 2000

public inquiry on images and representations of the body, Korean National University of Arts Seoul and Berlin körper-technologie/body-technology, 1999

Flares, video (60') and prints Im Augenblick, 1998

ports of entry, objects and photography Einzelgänger Wolffenbüttel, commissioned by Bundesakademie für kulturelle Bildung, 1998

clouds, video-tower,
3 tapes à 60 min transit zone Muffathalle München, 1997

mapping Lenz
installation with objects and video, 1996

less solid... , installation with objects and video, Podewil Berlin, 1996

rolling heads, videoinstallation for 7-12 monitors, Neues Theater München, 1996

liquid text - liquid spaces, video/film- installations, Podewil Berlin, 1995

comfort + pain, installation with objects and video, Mousonturm , Frankfurt, 1995