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14. April 2011 / 19:00
Choreografenatelier 2011
Jennifer Bury: Gesture as Embodiment of the System

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„By system I mean all the levels of systems: the organism's individual system, within a family system, within a societal system (rural, village, city as well as religious, educational, political, sexual), within a global system (international politics, government). If you want to define system further in the description or title we could say something like:
Gesture as Embodiment of the System from Individual to Global”
- or: personal to global
- or: the individual to the world“

Previously a dancer and choreographer, Jennifer Bury is a Movement Therapist in practice for over 25 years and was a Dance Medicine Specialist at Saint Francis Hospital in San Francisco for 15 years. Jennifer’s work is defined by her studies of both dance and medicine at New York University, as well as neuro-science, Ideokinesis, physiotherapy, Pilates, Alexander & Feldenkrais Techniques, Myofascial massage, Cranio-Sacral therapy, yoga, Bartenieff and Laban Fundamentals, Gestalt therapy, and Aikido.

Die ehemalige Tänzerin und Choreografin Jennifer Bury (USA) arbeitet seit 25 Jahren als Bewegungstherapeutin und war 15 Jahre lang Spezialistin für Tanzmedizin am Saint Francis Hospital in San Francisco. Sie schloss ihr Tanzstudium an der New York University mit dem Bachelor of Fine Arts ab und studierte klinische Anatomie an der NYU School of Medicine. Ihre Arbeit ist geprägt durch ihre umfassende Weiterbildung in Neurowissenschaft, Physiotherapie, Feldenkrais, Pilates und Alexander Technik, Shiatsu und Myofasziale Massage, Cranio-Sacral-Therapie, verschiedenen Yoga-Methoden, Atemarbeit (Middendorf & Karl Stau), Laban/Bartenieff Fundamentals, Ideokinese, Focusing, Gestalttherapie und Aikido.

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Dachauer Straße 114
80638 München
Tram 12, 20, 21 oder Bus 53
Haltestelle Leonrodplatz

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