January 13, 2011 / 8.30 pm festivalPLUSbrasil Movimento I / antes de desistir > schwere reiter Two danceduets: "Movimento I" (work in progress) and "antes de desistir" |
January 15, 2011 / 8.30 pm festivalPLUSbrasil Noiva Despedaçada/Zerschlagene Braut (D-Premiere)
> schwere reiter Dance Solo by Ricardo Iazzetta (São Paulo) |
January 26 to January 29, 2011 / 8 pm Angelika Meindl & ArtGenosseN BODY RITUALS > Muffatwerk MuffatDANCE: Eine Trilogie, Teil 1: Im Raum |
January 28, 2011 / 9.15 pm Stefan Dreher WALKING A LINE / UNLUCRATIVE BUSINESS > Muffathalle MuffatDANCE |
February 01 to February 02, 2011 / 8.30 pm Monica Gomis CATCHING A BIG FISH > i-camp Danceperformance by Monica Gomis |
February 03 to February 04, 2011 / 7 pm Künstlerbegegnung Tanz&Musik MÜNCHEN - ZÜRICH UND ZURÜCK > schwere reiter Cooperation with Tanzhaus Zürich |
February 12 to February 13, 2011 / 7:30 pm Katja Wachter
DER FALL "TRAVIATA" > Pasinger Fabrik A danced research of the Opera La Traviata |
February 17 to February 20, 2011 / 8.30 pm Yvonne Pouget
February 20, 2011 / 8:30 pm Gesellschaft für Unvorhergesehenes
EINZELSTÜCKE > Tanztendenz
March 01, 2011 / 8.30 pm Studioreihe der Tanztendenz
Immer am Ersten - Einmal im Quartal > Tanztendenz
April 06 to April 10, 2011 / 7 pm Body Territories
UrbanBody > i-camp
April 08 to April 10, 2011 / 8.30 pm DancePerformanceproject
BODYMEMORY > whiteBOX An experimental Danceperformance |
April 09 to April 10, 2011 / 8 pm Alberto Franceschini / Andreas Schantz
Standing between transitions (Premiere) / König O (WA) > schwere reiter
April 14 to April 21, 2011 CHOREOGRAPHER'S ATELIER 2011 (Sub-)Systems: Agents and dissidents > schwere reiter Tanztendenz invites choreographers |
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April 14, 2011 / 7 pm Choreographer's Atelier 2011
Jennifer Bury: Gesture as Embodiment of the System > schwere reiter Lecture in English by Jennifer Bury |
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April 15, 2011 / 7 pm Choreographer's Atelier 2011
Heidemarie Schwermer: My life without money > schwere reiter lecture in German and English |
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April 16, 2011 / 6 pm Choreographer's Atelier 2011 Michael Hirsch: Sovereignty, Adjustment, and Dissidence
> schwere reiter lecture in German and English |
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April 18, 2011 / 6.30 pm Choreographer's Atelier 2011
Julienne Lorz: Art as subsystem > Goldene Bar / Haus der Kunst Lecture in English |
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April 19, 2011 / 7 pm Choreographer's Atelier 2011
Marcus Steinweg: Evidence of Art > schwere reiter Lecture in German and English |
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April 20, 2011 / 5 pm Choreographer's Atelier 2011
movie selection by Dunja Bialas > Werkstattkino movie selection |
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April 21, 2011 / 5 pm Choreographer's Atelier 2011
Oliver Kohlmann: Ways of Experimental film > schwere reiter Lecture in German and English |
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April 21, 2011 / 7 pm Choreographer's Atelier 2011
Eva Kiefer: The System's Limit > schwere reiter Lecture in English |
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April 21, 2011 / 9 pm Choreographer's Atelier 2011
CHECK OUT > schwere reiter concert and open space |
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May 07 to May 08, 2011 / 9 pm Angelika Meindl
der Salon > Tanztendenz spaceArt in move |
May 24, 2011 / 8 pm Offenes Forum
art-in > schwere reiter Lecture by Dr. Thomas von Steinaecker and Bettina Wodianka |
May 25, 2011 / 8 pm Stefan Dreher
Snow > Neue Pinakothek Wasa Marjanow: Theatron. Series of events |
May 25, 2011 / 8.30 pm Charles Linehan
The Fault Index (work in progress) > schwere reiter Research about music and choreography |
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May 26, 2011 / 10:30 am and 6:30 pm Johanna Richter Heroes' Dreams > SchauBurg Dancetheatre |
May 26 to May 28, 2011 / 8:30 pm Performancereihe WILDE TENDENZEN
all about sex (Premiere) > i-camp
May 27 to May 29, 2011 / 8 pm Peter McCoy A Beautiful Compromise > schwere reiter Choreografie und Konzept: Peter McCoy |
June 01, 2011 / 8.30 pm Studioreihe der Tanztendenz
Immer am Ersten - einmal im Quartal > Tanztendenz
June 13, 2011 / 8:30 pm Mona Jean Cedar and Jeff Boynton
Circuitry and Poetry > schwere reiter / Probenraum Crossover |
June 19, 2011 / 3 pm Body Territories
UrbanBody 2 > i-camp Showing |
June 24 to June 26, 2011 / 9 pm Sabine Glenz
LAYERS > schwere reiter
June 29 to June 30, 2011 / 8.30 pm / 21.30 pm Claudia Senoner
SPECIALLY FOR YOU > schwere reiter Solo by Claudia Senoner |
July 03, 2011 / 8.30 pm Claudia Senoner
Kurvendiskussionen (Premiere) > schwere reiter Dance and Musicperformance |
July 08 to July 10, 2011 sector 7 micha purucker
... a somehow different use of space > schwere reiter summer camp - workshop - inkubator |
July 10, 2011 / 7 pm Offenes Forum
art-in > schwere reiter / Probenraum
July 22 to July 24, 2011 / 8.30 pm Stefan Marria Marb
Leere > i-camp Hommage for Perpetua, danced by Stefan Marria Marb |
July 29 to July 31, 2011 / 8.30 pm sector 7 : micha purucker REALITY CHECK
... a somehow different use of space > schwere reiter summer camp: "bodies in space" - behaviour in concrete and mist |
August 10, 2011 / 8.30 pm Philip Bergmann / Andrea Spreafico
Show (Premiere) > Muffathalle During the Festival Tanzwerkstatt Europa |
September 01, 2011 / 8.30 pm Studioreihe der Tanztendenz
Immer am Ersten - einmal im Quartal > Tanztendenz Dramaturgie / Tanz / Tanzdramaturgie |
September 12, 2011 / 7 pm Offenes Forum
art-in > schwere reiter „Wettbewerb oder freie Entfaltung?" |
September 13, 2011 / 8 pm Philosoph/innen in der Stadt
[ soundcheck philosophie ] – Vermittlungsformate des Denkens > Tanztendenz With Eva Maria Gauß and Dr. Rainer Totzke |
September 13 to September 17, 2011 / 8.30 pm Monica Gomis
Juego de Azar / Spiel des Zufalls (Premiere) > i-camp Dancesolo |
September 14, 2011 / 7.30 pm Philosophers in the city
Who is thinking? > Tanztendenz Lecture by Prof. Dr. G. Vosgerau |
October 08, 2011 / 7:30 pm Manfred Kröll
Inspiration "Kant & Cage" (vorläufiges Arbeitsergebnis) > Tanztendenz
October 15, 2011 / 8 pm, 9.15 pm, 11.30 pm Angelika Meindl
MASCHINE TANZT II > Deutsches Museum Tanzperformance |
October 22 to October 23, 2011 / 8.30 pm Reihe der Tanztendenz
STANDPUNKT.e - welcome to my world
> schwere reiter Choreographers invite us in their world. With Colette Sadler (GB) |
October 28 to October 30, 2011 / 8.30 pm Stephan Herwig
Throwing Myself in Front of You (Premiere) > schwere reiter
November 11 to November 13, 2011 / 8:30 pm Selfish Shellfish / Katja Wachter
EVOLUTION REMIX(Premiere) > schwere reiter videoinstallation / trio / solo |
December 01, 2011 / 8:30 pm Studioreihe der Tanztendenz Immer am Ersten - einmal im Quartal > Tanztendenz Tanz unterrichten |
December 11, 2011 / 7 pm Offenes Forum
art-in > schwere reiter / Probenraum Neurowissenschaft in Bewegung |
Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture |