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June 20 to June 22, 2019 / 8.30 p.m.
Zufit Simon

schwere reiter tanz

The text “58 Indices on the Body” by the French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy is a list of sometimes contradictory, short remarks on the human body. The choreographer Zufit Simon, together with the two dancers Lois Alexander and Clarissa Rêgo, was inspired by his thoughts for her movement research.

„Why indices rather than characters, signs, distinctive markings? Because the body escapes, is never sure, lets its presence be suspected but not identified. [...] All we have at our disposal are indications, traces, imprints and vestiges.“ The analytical approach of thinking liquefies in a translation into dance – it becomes as concrete as it does ephemeral. „A body is a difference. Since it is a difference from every other body [...] it’s never done with differing. It also differs from itself.“ But a body must always be thought in a relationship – it is also a Mit-Sein, a being-with others.

Concept, artistic director: Zufit Simon
Dance, choreography: Lois Alexander, Clarissa Rêgo, Zufit Simon
Music: Fredrik Olofsson
Costume: Valentina Primavera
Light: Jochen Haken
Outside Eye: Inka Paul
Management: Dietrich Oberländer
Public Relations: Beate Zeller
Design: Markus Pollinger
Photography: Oliver Look

schwere reiter
Dachauer Straße 114
80636 München
Tram 12, 20, 21 oder Bus 53
Haltestelle Leonrodplatz

price: 17,- / 10,- erm.
Reservation: 089 / 721 10 15 or reservierung@schwerereiter.de

A production by Zufit Simon. Sponsored by the Bureau for Cultural Affairs of the State Capital City of Munich and by the State Niedersachsen, supported by dock 11/Berlin. Zufit Simon is member of Tanztendenz München e.V.

Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored
by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture