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October 12, 2019 / 2 – 6 pm veiculoSUR Strange bodies – conflicts of norms Institut Français
The platform for artistic research veiculoSUR which unites six curators from the global South and North opens an international program. On October 12th, from 2 pm to 6 pm, veiculoSUR invites the public to an event at the Institut Français, with guests Sarah Bergh-Bieling, representative of the Kulturreferat München, and Pascale Obolo, Cameroonian filmmaker and creator of Afrikadaa magazine.
“VeiculoSUR is a platform that points out and experiments other ways of producing and other ways of thinking. It creates a space for conflict – understood as something inevitable and positive, from which other notions of bodies are brought forth. The moment of opening, of oxygenation and fermentation of the process with the local scene is essential for this”, says curator Marcela Olate.
The fact that this project stage takes place in Germany has symbolic significance within the concept: In addition to having a hegemonic role in the world economy, the country undeniably played a part in the development of the epistemology of knowledge and in the process of colonisation.
For veiculoSUR, Munich is a symbolic host for the discussion and for bringing ideas, knowledge and methodologies that originate in other parts of the world into a sometimes conflictual dialogue: The city has been opening up to recognize itself as part of these mechanisms and to foster research on the buried colonial history.
2 pm: veiculoSUR meets Kulturreferat Cultural Department of the City of Munich (in English)
A representative of the Culture and International Relations Department of the City of Munich will talk about the question of how the city of Munich addresses the issue of "foreign bodies", migration, and how these themes are taken into account within the cultural policy of the city.
3 pm: veiculoSUR meets Sarah Bergh-Bieling (in English)
During this meeting, Sarah Bergh-Bieling will talk about her experience as a mediator and commitment to bring anti-racist perspectives to arts and education institutions.
Bio Sarah Bergh: Sarah Bergh studied Education, Psychology and Theatre Studies. After more than ten years as a scheduler and booker at the theatre and in production management for various theatre, dance and performance festivals, she has been self-employed since 2002 with her office for the conception and realization of art and cultural projects (berghkuk.de/freispiel.info). The focus of her work is on political education, with the topics of migration and diversity education, human rights, discrimination / racism, decolonization and self-assertion / empowerment. In this context, she has developed numerous educational projects for young people together with public and private partners, foundations and artists. Since 2015 she is working in the Department of Political Education at the Pedagogical Institute / Department of Education and Sport of the LH Munich.
4:30 pm: veiculoSUR meets Pascale Obolo (in French)
Summary: Performance as a form of energy: transformations and mutations. As with climate change and globalization, bodies are becoming strangers, mutants. Thinking of ancestral practice more as a form of transmission, while it also has an inspiration in Afrofuturism, Parcale Obolo will speak about how ritual practice can provoke contemporary material.
Filmmaker, curator, editor-in-chief. Born in Yaoundé, Cameroon, Pascale Obolo studied at the Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français, in the film section, and then obtained a master's degree in cinema at the University of Paris VIII in the experimental cinema section. As an activist, her work questions memories, identity, exile and invisibility. Pascale Obolo is at the origin of the structure of Afrikadaa Lab: a contemporary art magazine, an intellectual and artistic laboratory whose vocation is to create a dynamic of creation in Paris and in African and diasporic territories. She also runs the African Art Book Fair (AABF) / an independent publishing fair focusing on editorial practices and supporting qualitative and unique publishing practices. As a teacher, she directs the formation des ateliers horizons at the Magasin, art center of Grenoble. Pascale Obolo has just joined the team of the scientific council of the school of fine arts of Réunion Island.
With the curators Mario Lopes (Munich/Germany), Marcela Olate (Santiago/Chile), Maelys Meyer (Lyon/France), Thais Ushibobira (São Paulo/Brazil), David Muñoz (Helsinki/Finland) and Andrea Arroba (Montevideo/Uruguay)
Institut Français Munich
Kaulbachstraβe 13
Supported by Tanztendenz München e.V., Kulturreferat der LH München, Goethe-Institut e.V. and Institut Français
Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture