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March 11 to March 12, 2022 / 8 pm ATTENTION: Performance cancelled! Jasmine Ellis Projects skin hunger schwere reiter
Society is in a state of touch deprivation. Since the pandemic has taken hold of the world, "Don't touch!" is the order of the day and the body of the other person is a potential source of danger. Corona has turned the phenomenon known as "skin hunger" or "touch starvation" into a global mass experiment: What happens when there is no touch?
In her eponymous ensemble piece "skin hunger", Canadian choreographer Jasmine Ellis explores the effects of lack of touch, intertwining the live elements of dance and music with the narrative quality of radio. The project in its entirety is the live performance in Germany and a radio podcast by artist Johnny Spence in collaboration with CBC Canada's radio show "Ideas". Besides the thematic bracket - touch - both works also connect directly. Johnny Spence will create the sound of Jasmine Ellis' "skin hunger" from the interviews he collected for his podcast (with social workers/artists/scientists on the subject of "touch"), but at the same time elements and voices from the dance performance will also flow into the radio report, just as narratives from the podcast will be transformed into dance or stage text.
Director, Choreographer: Jasmine Ellis / Performers: Breeanne Saxton, David Pallant, Gabriel Lawton, Kim Kohlmann / Composer: Johnny Spence / Dramaturge: Martina Missel / Costume Designer: Sarah Kaldewey - Atelier Kaldewey / Light Design: Wolfgang Eibert / Press and public relations: Simone Lutz, Mandana Mansouri
Photo / Video: Ray Demski / 'skin hunger' Podcast Johnny Spence, "Ideas" from CBC Canada / Circle design and seamstress: Catherine Carpenko / Outside eye: Julia Pagel 7 Production: Sophie Thuma, Jasmine Ellis Project, Rat & Tat Kulturbüro
schwere reiter
Dachauer Straße 116
80636 München
Tram 12, 20, 21 oder Bus 53
Station Leonrodplatz
17,- / 10,- Euro erm.
Reservation absolutely necessary: www.schwerereiter.de
Gefördert vom Kulturreferat der LH München und dem Bayerischen Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (BLZT) aus Mitteln des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst.
Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture