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May 14 to May 15, 2022 / 6:00 pm (Sat) / 11:00 am + 6:00 pm (Sun) Andrea Marton + Stephanie Felber Ich. Du. Er. Sie. Wir! ZUSAMMEN-geh-HÖREN tba
Where does who feel comfortable, who meets whom, where are the "young"/"rich"/"poor" places of the city
and where are the "others"?
Which place excludes whom, and what does accessibility actually mean?
How do I experience the city as a newly arrived person/refugee?
Andrea Marton and Stephanie Felber develop a performative audio walk in public space with people regardless of their dance experience, physical possibilities and cultural background. Publikc space will thus be explored, dissected, audio and choreographically staged with a mixed-age and diverse group and thereby experienced anew.
The audience, which is guided through the urban space during the public performances, accompanies the performers with a "silent-disco-system" and encounters new performative situations again and again. Through music, text and invitations to become "part of the intervention", a common perception of togetherness in public space is created.
Concept, Idea: Andera Marton, Stephanie Felber / Choreography together with the participants
Venue tob e announced
www. andrea-marton.de
Gefördert vom Kulturreferat der LH München.
Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture