The choreographers of the Tanztendenz Munich invite fellow artists and choreographers from Germany and abroad to research and work on the topic of “(Sub-)Systems: Agents and Dissidents“.
The last two Choreographers’ Ateliers in 2005 and 2008 dealt with possible role models of artists (pirates, warriors), and the next Choreographers’ Atelier 2011 entitled “(Sub-)Systems: Agents and Dissidents” will continue in this direction.
The focus will be on different kinds of subsystems – existing parallel societies that subvert the values of their surrounding society. Agents infiltrate foreign systems for the purpose of obtaining information, in other words: to spy, they live “undercover”. Dissidents openly criticize the political system, disregarding the zeitgeist and consciously accepting personal disadvantages. Agents and dissidents are outsiders and committed to above-average attention and alertness. They have clear goals and a defined enemy. They define themselves by opposition. Heidemarie Schwermer for instance has been living without money since 1996, she dropped out of the existing structures. In her book “Das Sterntalerexperiment” (“The Star Money Experiment”) she describes her experiences.
The Atelier casts the net as wide as possible. The topic shall be explored and information gathered from as many different perspectives as possible. Lectures by top-class academics will once again be mixed with practical exercises. This offers the participants the possibility to get to know other strategies and ways of thinking that will subsequently fertilize their own artistic work.
As in 2008 the Choreographers’ Atelier 2011 is aimed at choreographers from Germany and abroad and invites them to gather in Munich to highlight some of the aspects together with colleagues, experts, and artists from other fields. The main concern of the Atelier is to offer time and space to the artists to continue developing ideas and thoughts under professional circumstances and to enter into an intense artistic exchange with other choreographers, to experiment, and make new contacts without the pressure of performing. This is one of the very few opportunities for continued professional education for choreographers. For a period of one week five international choreographers/artists are invited to work together in various workshops that will be taking place in different locations in the city.
Tanztendenz München e.V. is sponsored by the Munich
Municipal Department of Arts and Culture